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Private health insurance change

euro_krankenversicherung What are the rates in a private health insurance?

Private health insurance has different rates than the statutory health insurance. must pay for the same treatment at the doctor's public health insurance only 100 €, the private health insurance, however, the 1.8 to 3.5 times. So 180-350 €! In particularly well-known doctors, the already 10 times the normal rate will be charged. Even with medication, the private health insurance pay more than the statutory health insurance. The higher fees for private patients, doctors are particularly interesting. This can have both positive and negative effects. So the doctor takes a private patient usually more time and tried by fast appointments and shorter waiting times for private patients to loyalty. Second, this can also lead to the fact that private patients to unnecessary treatments subjected to more and get more expensive drugs prescribed as needed and will operate more often. Therefore, one should always choose a doctor of his confidence!

Reasons to take out private health insurance

Even though many already have other insurance, there are good reasons for a private medical insurance. Thus offers the SHI and the insurance for civil servants often lack the benefits you would receive in a private health insurance. You have in this case, the choice to go entirely into a private health insurance or an additional fare to complete the one addition to your statutory or otherwise insurance. Especially in dental care and vision aids public health insurance is almost impossible to services. Here one should even think about how often you need visual aids and how well it cares for its teeth. Private health insurance can fill the supply gap and help you in case of illness, the best performance.

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