Krankenversicherung Deutschland

Ihr kostenfreier Vergleich privater Krankenversicherungen

Deutsch (DE-CH-AT)English (United Kingdom)
PKV base fare

PHI-base collective Usually when you have to take out private health insurance to answer various health issues. In some societies it is also encouraged to consult a doctor if the blood and liver values checked and reports back that the insurance company.

Only by doing this you get a discount on its price. Only if these health questions were answered positively obtain a policy. This means for the chronically ill and those with mild impairments that you can not avail of private health insurance.

pkv_basistarif The base rate has now been introduced by the legislature. In this, any private health insurance company insure any applicant without a medical examination. Thus, nowadays, for each, no matter how his health is a private health insurance possible. The scope is only at or even below the statutory health insurance. In addition, these fares are very expensive.

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