Everyone needs you and it annoys everyone to deal with you - health insurance. There is no getting past it to confront the same applies to his health and protection. Many give up quickly because the tariff jungle and the plethora of insurance companies quickly overwhelmed. It raises the question of whether privately or publicly insured and what the scope is. In addition several different insurance companies come from the direct insurer on individual funds and fund associations. Clear that for such a confusion of the ideal rate for the ideal society can not be found quickly. To get a first impression helps to provide a health insurance review. Such tests are published by various institutes and journals regularly. But be wary because not everyone has health insurance independent test has been created and the criteria under which the test will be awarded judgments are not always conclusive. Choose as many different tests, therefore, find as you könenn together a rough outline to win. Usually crystallize some companies now already out and rates are recommended in any case, and some are not personal to the situation in question. Did you this way already narrowed down the companies and calling plans, you can now geziehlt after test results on the remaining tariffs look and find it an ideal rate to their own health insurance test.
In such comparisons, however, often assumed to case studies. This means that the result for your own situation may well be different and suitable for any other supplier or tariff is better for you. Therefore, you should take a carry on their lives cut PKV comparison. Then check the determined by the private health insurance comparison rate again with various health insurance tests you find online.